Susan Brill, Chair Joe McEachern Greg Pearce Thelma Tillis Doris Corley
District 9 District 7 District 6 District 3 District 1
July 27, 2004
5:00 PM
Richland County Council Chambers
County Administration Building
2020 Hampton Street

Call To Order
Approval of Minutes - June 22, 2004: Regular Session Meeting (Page 3)
Adoption of Agenda
I. Items for Action
  1. Crossfield Road Speed Humps (Pages 4 - 10)
  2. Engineering Services: Paving Program - North Contract (Pages 11 - 13)
  3. Engineering Services Paving Program - South Contract (Pages 14 - 16)
  4. C&D Landfill Entrance Improvements (Pages 17 - 18)
  5. Hobart Road Project (Pages 19 - 20)
  6. Mideast Road Paving, Aster Street Connector, and Jenkins Brothers Road Intersection Improvements (Pages 21 - 25)
  7. NPDES Permit Renewal and Stormwater Management Ordinance Review (Pages 26 - 27)
  8. Quit-Claim: Peyton Road and Pepper Street (Pages 28 - 39)
  9. Richland County Solid Waste Management Plan Update (Pages 40 - 41)
II. Items Pending Analysis
    There are no items pending analysis.
III. Items for Information / Discussion
  1. Animal Control Ordinance Amendments (Pages 42 - 51)
Staffed by Roxanne Matthews